The Bigger Picture

Spring 2011
Color theory
My assignment was to find a detailed picture, pick out some main colors, and recreate a simplified version.



Spring 2011, Vine and compressed charcoal
I drew this picture while studying Vanitas. I wanted to stay simple and only use two objects to see if I could portray a real Vanitas style. Creating the smoke was difficult to do considering what I had envisioned for it.

Wine Glass and Drapes


Spring 2011, Vine and compressed charcoal
This is a drape study that I did when I was first learning how to draw drapes. It was difficult getting the folds to look real but I am proud of the final piece. I chose a wine glass for the object because I also wanted to try drawing glass.

Color Reflection

Spring 2011
Color Theory class
This is a color reflection study. There are red and yellow alternating pedals underneath each blue and purple alternating pedals. Using the white board underneath and an overhead light, you see the reflection of the yellow and red. I made the flower able to spin, hoping that when spun, the red and yellow would optically make orange, but that did not work so well.

Coke or Pepsi?

Spring 2011, Adobe Photoshop?
Class assignment was to re-brand something. I chose to do Coca-Cola in Pepsi colors.

Abstraction of Pliers

Spring 2011, Adobe Illustrator
The idea was to take a simple object(pliers) and magnify different sections of it. It was simplified to black and white to show positive and negative space.

abstract pliers
It was my first time mounting with spray mount so the left one bled through 😦

Video Remix- Vampires Over Time

Spring 2011, Adobe Premiere
For this project my class was studying copyright laws. Since certain sites are public domain, we had to create a video from clipping other videos. My idea was to show how much vampires have changed over the years in the movie world. From the first terrifying Dracula, to the shimmering Twilight vampire. I tried to include fang length, facial bumps, claws, and abilities. It is a little rough considering it was my first video.

Photo Narrative- “Bad Decisions”

Photo Narrative

Spring 2011, Camera and some Adobe Photoshop
This is a photography narrative that I shot. It is about a young girl that chose to make a spontaneous decision, and it turned out to be a bad one. Mystic Piercing & Tattoo let me use some staff and friends to make this story line. Many people choose to get something pierced every day and it goes fine. Some people may faint or vomit, but it is never serious. So, this is our funny scenario of something that never happens. Click the link underneath the title and you’ll see.